Whether you’re here by design or chance, welcome to my site. I’m a Boston-area freelance medical writer whose work appears in newsletters, newspapers, magazines, websites, and books. I have written for such general interest publications as Forbes.com, The Providence Journal, and The Saturday Evening Post. My clients have included John Wiley & Sons, Yale University School of Medicine, University of Maryland Medical Center, Fenway Community Health Center, Schizophrenia Research Forum, and others.
I cover a wide range of health and medical topics, from heart disease to diabetes to statins to brain exercises. Trained in medical psychology, I also write about the psychology of health care. That encompasses such evergreen topics as doctor-patient communication, patient-centered care, medical mistakes, and shared decision-making.
Early in my freelance career, a magazine editor told me, “You don’t write like an academic.” She meant it as a compliment on my feature article, and I took it as one despite having worked in academia. You see, I enjoy writing about scientific research in a way that laypeople can understand.
Yet, when I write for trade publications in the health sciences or psychology, I can connect with readers as one professional to another. As a former researcher at two Ivy League medical schools, I can tell good science from overhyped claims.
With every writing project, I aim to
- exceed clients’ expectations
- engage readers from start to finish
- get every detail and the big picture right.
To learn more, please check out my Bio page, my Portfolio page, or my LinkedIn profile. You may also contact me directly.